The University of Lodz Faculty of Philology is proud to announce the signing of a cooperation agreement with Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua I.P. (Camões — Institute for Cooperation and Language), represented by the Ambassador of Portugal in Warsaw, Luís Cabaço, and the Director of the Institute in Warsaw, José Carlos Albuquerque Costa Dias.

The meeting with the Portuguese Ambassador, Luís Cabaço, and the Director of the Camões Institute in Warsaw, José Carlos Albuquerque Costa Dias, took place at the Faculty of Philology on 10 November 2023. During the meeting, a cooperation agreement was signed, which is a continuation and development of the faculty's current activities in the area of Portuguese culture promotion.

This cooperation results from the previous initiatives, including the Portuguese Culture Days organised at the faculty and the introduction of a new specialisation in Portuguese as part of Spanish philology. The agreement assumes comprehensive support from the Camões Institute, focusing on the promotion of Portuguese culture and development of educational and cultural programmes at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz.

The initiative strengthens the position of the Faculty of Philology as a centre promoting cultural and linguistic diversity, as well as an important partner in international academic cooperation. The agreement opens new opportunities for students and researchers from the faculty, offering access to educational and cultural resources related to Portugal.

Edit: Eryk Woźniak (Promotion and Communication Office at the University of Lodz faculty of Philology)
Photos: Dr Barbara Galant